Top 5 Saltwater Fish for Beginners


1. Tangs

Tang Fish

One of the things that make Tangs a great choice for beginners is that they’re hardy and resilient as well as extremely beautiful. There are a lot of different varieties, too, including bright yellow and powder blue.

Bear in mind that Tangs are generally unaggressive with other fish but are prone to fighting amongst themselves.

They require a tank of at least 100 gallons and make a colorful addition to any saltwater community.

2. Watchman Goby

Watchman Goby

The watchman goby is one of the best picks for beginners. For one thing, they’re not picky when it comes to diet and will eat things that are readily available at the pet store. They’ll even eat table shrimp.

Gobies are pretty popular so they’re not hard to find and you can usually find them in any pet store.

They’re peaceful and get along well with other species of fish but don’t get along very well with other gobies so, if you get more than one, make sure you keep them separated.

3. Chalk Bass

Chalk Bass

A great saltwater fish for newbies is the Chalk Bass. These fish are durable, resist illness, and can thrive even in less than optimal water conditions.

When you’re just starting out, having a tolerant fish like a Chalk Bass makes it a little easier to learn the ropes.

These fish are white with reddish strips along their dorsal side and are great for getting a tank started.

While several can live in the same aquarium, it’s important to introduce them all at once to avoid territorial fighting within the species.

4. Damselfish


A lot of these fish require large tanks of 100 gallons or more which can be a little overwhelming for someone just starting out. That’s why Damselfish are such a great choice. They only require 30-gallons!

Damselfish can be a little aggressive but as long as you give them plenty of hiding places, they tend to keep to themselves.

There are also plenty of brightly-colored varieties to choose from and most of them are stunning.

5. Dottyback


Another good choice for a small 30-gallon tank is the Dottyback. They can be aggressive but with the right size tank, plenty of hiding spots, and a satisfying diet, they’re usually pretty happy and non-confrontational.

These fish are a great way to add small, bright pops of color to your tank plus there are a few different varieties to choose from.

They come in a few different colors, including blue, purple, and yellow as well as bicolors that are half yellow and half purple.

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